
Posts Tagged ‘Social’

Clock out for the day.  Leave the office.  Hop the tube.

Go to the pub.


This is how it is and how it has been for many Londoners.  It’s a part of life.

Around 4-6PM the streets of London become filled with not only commuters, but crowds of people nestled against the walls of their favorite pub.  In these warmer months the people of London enjoy bringing their pub time outside to stand and talk.

This is a strange site to see, and sometimes hard to navigate, but it brings out the London culture.

The group is usually composed of males, but women are present as well.  Their apparel varies by what area of London you are in.  Most wear business suits, particularly in the business districts (as to be expected.)

What’s interesting is that relationships at these pubs are not defined by what they wear (see photo.)  This ritual is a bonding experience for all men to unwind and talk.

Men come together at the pub.

It’s a social tradition.  Day after day.  For centuries.

This interaction is interesting for an American.  My perception of people who frequent bars this often would never include such a varied demographic.

From my observations, I have realized an augmented social side to drinking.  Talking over a pint at the pub is what their father’s did.  And their fathers, etc.  This activity has been ingrained into their culture.

It’s where they come together.  It’s part of life.


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